6th Annual De-FEET Breast Cancer 5K Run/Walk

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 at 9:30am

FREE Kids Fun Run starting at 10:45am

Starting & Ending at Bar Anticipation (Bar A):
703 16th Avenue
Lake Como, NJ 07719

We are proud to present our 6th Annual De-FEET Breast Cancer 5K Run/Walk, dedicated in loving memory of Mary Ellen Pernice, Cindy Abrams, and Jill Lecorchick.

The De-FEET Breast Cancer 5K Run/Walk is a flat 5K course on closed local roads through Lake Como, Spring Lake and Belmar, NJ.

Online Pre-Registration (for Individual Registrants and Team Registrants) closes at 11:59 pm on March 16, 2016.

Register Today!!! Please visit our 5K website at runsignup.com/mamamare

After our online pre-registration closes on 3/16/2016, we will have two on-site registration options on 4/1 (during our 4-8pm early packet pick-up) and 4/2 (day of our 5K). See our 5K website for all specific details.

To register or donate, and for ALL 5K information please visit our 5K website: runsignup.com/mamamare

If you have any questions please email mamamarefoundation5k@gmail.com

All 5K proceeds will go towards our mission in supporting breast cancer patients and their families in addition to funding biomedical research for the cure.

5K Course:

5K Course

All 5K proceeds will go towards our mission in supporting breast cancer patients and their families in addition to funding biomedical research for the cure.

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