Our overall first place runner from our 1st Annual De-FEET Breast Cancer 5K, Joseph Rooney, cycled across America in the Summer of 2011 with his "Roll with Soul" Team!! From Spring Lake, NJ to San Diego, California they rode over 3,500 miles with the mission to raise money for three charities, one of which is ours, the Mama Mare Breast Cancer Foundation!!! Joe and the "Roll with Soul" team raised funds and awareness for the Mama Mare Breast Cancer Foundation with supporters donating to their FirstGiving fundraising page. All proceeds they raised will go towards breast cancer patient assistance and biomedical research for a cure!
This past fall, we honored Joe for his contributions to our foundation and the breast cancer community at our Hope to Heal Dinner of Excellence on September 9th 2011. Joe spoke about his journey across America, raising funds and awareness for our foundation, and how breast cancer has touched his family and his co-workers family. We were thrilled to award Joe with our first ever Partners in the Community Award of Excellence. Thank you Joe and “Roll with Soul”!!!