Mama Mare Breast Cancer Foundation
Survivors Thrive Grant ProgramTM
Helping Survivors Maintain Life After Treatment
The Survivors Thrive Grant ProgramTM was created to provide medical financial assistance to breast cancer survivors post-treatment.

The medical bills one can incur from breast cancer surgeries, treatments, etc. can be an enormous burden and extremely overwhelming—factors that can impair a survivor's full recovery. We want to help provide financial relief by providing a grant to one survivor each month.

In order to do this, we're asking all of our supporters to pledge just $1 a week. By everyone doing their small share, we can make a HUGE difference in the lives of those around us who have had to battle this terrible disease.

We have had the heartwarming pleasure to provide several survivor grants since the start of the program and look forward to giving more! If you would like to be a part of this program, please subscribe today by clicking the button below.

Please don't hesitate; see just how simple and rewarding "Helping Survivors Maintain Life After Treatment" can really be!
Survivors Thrive Grants require a personal nomination and must meet criteria in the nomination form. Upon acceptance of a nomination, the Nominee will receive an application to complete with their personal and medical information. These grants are specifically intended for medical debt.

***Our Survivors Thrive nomination program is currently on hold as we finalize a new process to involve the nominee's healthcare providers directly. We hope to resume soon with this new process for the nominations.***
Prefer to make a one-time donation instead?
Each donation can make a change in a cancer patient's life during or after treatment.
"This has been a huge battle having this large hospital bill hanging over my head and I was dreading having to go to court over it. I don't even know how to express how thankful I am to you and your foundation for helping me out soooo much. I will spread word about the foundation to as many people as I can and try and help get some donations. Anytime you have any local fundraisers I would definitely volunteer any help I can give you. You are AWESOME!!!! Thank you...thank you.....thank you!!!!! You have pulled me out of financial hole that would have taken me more than 5 years to pay off and nobody else was capable of doing this for me.....just you."
Tammy Lippert, Survivor's Thrive Recipient

"Your foundation is paying ALL Tammy's medical bills. That is NO small feat. That is a HUGE grant, HUGE. Suffice it to say that when I came upon the Mama Mare Breast Cancer Foundation online and saw money would go primarily to NJ breast cancer patients, I informed Tammy of the foundation and encouraged her to apply. Little did she know and little did I know then how wonderfully generous and genuine your grant to Tammy is. I reminded her time and time again to fill out that application and send it in. WOW. I might have made your night this night but you made Tammy's life so much better with your HUGE grant. You thank me? I thank you over and over again for your most generous and most genuine support. Thank you for you. You make your mom proud one grant at a time."
Rita Grant, Friend of Tammy, Survivor's Thrive Recipient

"The past few weeks have been particularly difficult, and it was hard to put my thoughts in writing. I will say, however, that reflecting on the amazing gift I was given by you and your foundation never fails to change my day. Gratitude is the antidote to everything negative that comes with cancer. Our phone conversation, which validated my experience and was full of compassion, was a blessing. Granting me financial assistance for unpaid medical bills was an unexpected and overwhelming act of generosity that I will never forget.

I was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer at 48 years old. I had no risk factors and never had so much as a stitch. We were coming out of a very trying financial downturn, and I was looking to start my life again...I never expected a battle for my life. A double mastectomy, chemo, radiation, hormone drugs, more surgery... I am a mother and there is no option but to agree to the fight. No one should also have to fight insurance companies, health care providers or collection agencies as well. My most angelic friend, from day one, would gently remind me that "all is gift." Some moments the gifts were glaring. My own mom, my caretaker, saw me through treatment with grace and strength. My amazing friends who showed up without ever being asked. An outpouring of support from family members near and far, old friends...even my local library staff and pharmacist at ShopRite! I could write endlessly about so many instances of grace I was granted by strangers - fellow patients, hospital and medical staff in particular, but many others whose words or deeds simply got me through the day.

Truth be told, there were many moments of despair, and profound grief over who stepped out instead of up. I would be lying if I said that breast cancer in and of itself is anything but a plight no woman should ever face. And then I remember that I met you and learned of your Mom and your mission. And you took what you could off my plate, and had a moment of profound joy with me in the middle of a day sandwiched with overdue mortgages and doctors appointments. And the journey made sense.

You are an inspiration, and I will pass on your amazing work with the Mama Mare Breast Cancer Foundation, and our story, at every opportunity. It speaks to all that is good and right in the universe. Cancer can't touch that!"
Pauline, Survivor's Thrive Recipient

"I was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer in 2016 with the left side being HER2 positive (the "bad" kind.) I underwent a bilateral mastectomy with 6 rounds of chemotherapy (the kind that makes your hair fall out) and 12 rounds of Herceptin. I elected for reconstruction which was mostly done at the completion of the chemo. Although I thought I had good insurance I was still responsible for several thousand dollars. When I spoke to Rocky Mountain Cancer I was given a couple of names that might offer me some financial support. One of those was "Mama Mare." I mailed my history, doctors and bills to a post office box in Pennsylvania and then returned my attention to healing from surgery and the effects of chemotherapy which included a bald head and not a follicle of hair anywhere.
One day I was sitting in my front room and the phone rang, When I answered a very sweet voice came on and said "Hi my name is Krista from Mama Mare and I just paid your hospital bill." After a moment of shock and disbelief, the flood gates opened. It was one more thing off my questions including "how am I going to pay this?" Even though Krista and I are thousands of miles apart, we are connected on a deeper level. I see how she turned adversity into strength by starting a foundation for women with breast cancer after watching her mother pass away from breast cancer. I have seen her generosity from financial support to sending women with breast cancer on trips, making gift bags for people and I think I even saw a parade for women going through the nightmare of hearing "you've got cancer" and undergoing their journey with total strangers.
I will be eternally grateful to Krista and her family for supporting her and the Mama Mare foundation. I am sure her mother is smiling down on her for her generosity and support for all the women she has helped. I try and pay it forward with donations (when I can) so she can help others the way she supported me."
Pamela Rollings, Survivor's Thrive Recipient

"My name is Katya Hernandez, my husband Gilbert and I have 2 beautiful daughters Diana (15 ) and Natalia (13). In august 2017 I was diagnosed with stage 2b breast cancer, this news shock my world, I remember feeling lost, I didn't know what to do, where to start? How Im going to tell my daughters and the rest of my family?? I remember thinking what it's going to happen when I am in treatment and I can't take care of my family, I know my husband will help , but I love to take care of my family that it's my job!!
In the middle of all my fears, I Pray to God and put everything I couldn't control in his hand, and I rested, he gave me peace, and he gave me strength everyday to continue fighting this disease.
I remember that my husband and I decided not to focus on cancer, because if we did we would not be able to see all the blessings around us. and they were many!
One of those blessings during that time was Krista and Mama Mare Foundation, they were an important support for me in my fight against breast cancer, Krista always with words of encouragement, with words of support when I need it most.
The foundation blessed me before starting my treatment with massages to help me relax, when I stared chemotherapy I received the most beautiful bag full of many thoughtful gifts and letters with words of encouragement from people I didn't know but they were there for me and my family. when I was in treatment and I felt very sick the foundation sent someone to clean my house. What a blessing!!!
I will always be very grateful to Krista and all the people at Mama Mare Foundation for helping me and my family during this difficult time."
Katya Hernandez, Survivor's Thrive Recipient